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So the world will know God loves them, and provided the way to restore a relationship with Him, through Jesus.

Our Mission

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Our Community

We not only seek to meet the spiritual needs of our community, but we want to do all we can to help with physical needs as well by partnering with various ministries in our area.

Our Region

Throughout the year, we seek to find the needs throughout our region. We want to be the “hands and feet of Jesus” in all we do. Recently, Acts 29 (Youth Group) took a trip to Asheville, NC to help various ministries, and even sharing the gospel to people in downtown Black Mountain, NC.

Our World

The Gospel of Jesus is for the world. We believe it is our responsibility to take His message to the ends of the world. We not only take seriously our responsibility to reach our community, but we take equally our responsibility to reach the world. This past year we have taken trips to Mexico and India to fulfill this call.


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Big World Project

Founded in 2013 out of a deep desire to manifest the love of Jesus to those oppressed by extreme poverty, Big World Project has made it their mission to rescue and care for street children around the world.

Recently, Winfall sent a small group to India to help an orphanage become self-sustaining. An amazing ministry which shares God’s love to those in need.


The vision here at Winfall Baptist Church is to create an Academy that graduates men and women who will make a godly difference in our communities. Imagine a place where every teacher is a born-again follower of Jesus, who believe the Bible is the Word of God, and who seek to disciple and pour into the lives of every student who comes through the door.

We believe God has given us the opportunity through Winfall Christian Academy to Empower Students to Impact the Future.

Winfall’s Early Learning Center and Brookneal Christian Academy are now accepting applications for the fall of 2024.

A French language mission sending missionaries to the ends of the earth! 

It is our prayer that God will call out a generation of young French Canadians to the harvest fields of the world. Since JET was founded in 2002 there have been hundreds of young people who have participated in a JET project (a number of whom have participated in more than one!)

RMI's mission is to transform lives through church to church partnerships. We facilitate and are the bridge to make these successful cross-cultural partnerships work. We work hand in hand with national churches to enable them and resource them for life transformation. This takes place through evangelism, discipleship, education, community development and social compassion. It is a holistic endeavor that will enable an entire US church to have a strategic impact in the national church's lives and into their community.